Rückblick auf die Bespoked – The Handmade Bicycle Show in Dresden: Begeisterung pur für 2rc Custom Wheels! Vergangenes Wochenende waren wir von Freitag bis Sonntag auf der Bespoked – was...
Rückblick auf die Bespoked – The Handmade Bicycle Show in Dresden: Begeisterung pur für 2rc Custom Wheels! Vergangenes Wochenende waren wir von Freitag bis Sonntag auf der Bespoked – was...

Why BERD Spokes?
Why BERD Spokes? The innovation in wheel construction BERD Spokes set new standards in cycling. These spokes are made of Dyneema®, a material that is 15 times stronger than steel...
Why BERD Spokes?
Why BERD Spokes? The innovation in wheel construction BERD Spokes set new standards in cycling. These spokes are made of Dyneema®, a material that is 15 times stronger than steel...

Tairin Hubs
Introducing Tairin R1/S1 hub family Innovative magnetic freewheel system: Low maintenance: Thanks to only one moving part and magnets that show no signs of fatigue. Fast power transmission...
Tairin Hubs
Introducing Tairin R1/S1 hub family Innovative magnetic freewheel system: Low maintenance: Thanks to only one moving part and magnets that show no signs of fatigue. Fast power transmission...

Examples of CERAKOTE coatings
Individual CERAKOTE rim coating: Design your unique piece on the trail Welcome to the world of unique customization - discover the possibility of individual CERAKOTE rim coating for your perfect...
Examples of CERAKOTE coatings
Individual CERAKOTE rim coating: Design your unique piece on the trail Welcome to the world of unique customization - discover the possibility of individual CERAKOTE rim coating for your perfect...